Saturday 19 May 2012

Just me and my backpack...

Yesterday I made a trip to REI and tried on about a million different packs until I settled on this one. I'm hoping the fact that I will have to carry all of my belongings will be good incentive to pack light, and it's easy to say that until I remember I am going to be gone for 27 months. Regardless this adventure will be a good excuse for me to work towards being more of a minimalist. 

I have been thinking about all the fall and winter clothes that I will leave behind and I might as well just give them all away. Of course I will save a few items for when I finally come  home but the majority of my clothing can go. Looking around my room I have so much unneccessary clutter, so much excess. Getting rid of these items that serve zero function will be another task to complete in the days to come. There is something about a clean and organized space that works wonders for the mind.


  1. Minimalism was one of the biggest things I learned when abroad. My parents are still amazed at my ability to pack a super small bag for a 2-week trip! You really will thank yourself for cutting out any non-essential items.
